Decorate your home with an aquarium
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Having a pet is an entertainment for the owner. In addition, much research stating that kept the animals can provide many advantages for health.
A new study says that a pet can help improve children's cognitive and physical growth. Besides the animal provides benefits for mental health and affect Your professional life at work.
One of the common people kept animals are fish. Keeping ornamental fish it was fun. Most types of freshwater aquarium fish are easily cared for, they bring beauty and color in your home.
Fish has also had many health benefits such as reducing stress and lowering blood pressure and heart rate.
Know Your Fish
Ornamental fish is a type of fish that first developed either in freshwater or the sea kept not for consumption but to be kept or embellish your living room.
Ornamental fish kept for pleasure, therefore, shape, color, size, harmony, and won't really have to watch out for. One of the types of fish that are commonly kept is a type of freshwater aquarium fish.
Almost 75% of the supply of freshwater fish in the world comes from Indonesia, and at least 363 types of freshwater aquarium fish from Indonesia has been exported to various countries in the world.
Types of freshwater aquarium fish is a type of ornamental fish in fresh water habitats. Maintenance of freshwater aquarium fish are typically in the aquarium or in the pool.
One of the natural feed for freshwater aquarium fish that is still small rotifers, i.e. organisms which are easily found in brackish waters, fresh area, nor the sea under normal circumstances breed in partogenesis or lay eggs without mating.
There are a variety of types of freshwater aquarium fish that can be found. One type of freshwater aquarium fish are most commonly observed is a type of small freshwater aquarium fish. Its small size makes these types of freshwater aquarium fish looks wonderful if placed indoors.
Types of ornamental fish a comet is one type of small freshwater aquarium fish that can be kept in the House. This fish is quite popular because of the color of her multi-faceted and attractive body motion.
Unlike fish, betta fish is a comet that was quite friendly. This fish can adapt in any environment and co-exist alongside other species of fish in the Aquarium.
Mas Koki (Gold Fish)
Goldfish Carassius auratus or chef is a type of small freshwater fish that lives in shallow waters with quiet water flow and the air is cool.
Goldfish chef has a great eye and somewhat protruding scales, colors vary from white, metallic, red, yellow, yellowish red, green, black or a combination of those colors. The colors on the goldfish body is determined by the content of the pigment in his body.
Goldfish believed to be good luck chefs who give positive energy. Usually eight carp cooks maintained with one black fish to get rid of bad luck.
Keep two goldfish chefs will provide balance in your relationship and your partner. In addition to the aspects of his luck, fish Maskoki is also considered as the most beautiful fish and attractive.
Betta splendens or in Indonesia known as betta fish is one type of small freshwater aquarium fish which is known for the beauty of its fins.
This fish species apparently have been cultivated since the year 1970. Despite having a strong body endurance, fish betta do not have sharp teeth and scales.
At the close of his gills, there are 2 vertical stripes colored red. Betta fish have a variety of color, including red, black, white, yellow, purple, and blue.
These fish are also commonly kept as a fish complaint. One type of these fish have a pretty aggressive body movement and would rather attack when fighting. These fish are also known to have a long lifespan. However, this fish is a fish that individualist and cannot be mixed with other ornamental fish in a fishbowl.
San Fernando is one of the many ornamental fish kept. The size of this relatively small San Fernando. A GuppY that most measures only 3 cm.
Basically, the type of GuppY is a wild fish that can be found in the gutter or river. However, this type of ornamental guppies GuppY differs from existing in the river. Within the ornamental physical shape and color features of interest. The beauty of the guppy can be seen from the fins and tail are long merumbai similar to Hickey.
The color of guppy is quite varied. GuppY is very easy to adapt and proliferate. GuppY is native fish Central and South America, spread in Kep. Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Netherlands Antilles, Kep. Virgin, Brazil, and Venezuela.
Through the trade route and others, these fish have been taken to various places in all continents in the world, and then meliar in the waters-waters
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